Watch | 17. Nov 2021

He Did It Again

When Tom Hanks got hit by Covid early on during the crisis of 2020, USA Today headlined online "OH NO! NOT YOU, TOM!" - meaning: Why of all people has a guy as fine and beloved as Hanks gotten this dangerous virus, why not someone who is not as popular? As we all know first of all Hanks recovered just fine (as well as his wife Rita Wilson) and second of all no virus stops for good people.

You have to love Tom Hanks for many reasons: He is no glamorous beau - but he is still the hero of romantic comedies. He can break your heart by the way he is looking at you. And he is kind of funny, actually: he likes to be made fun of!

He is also an actor who can fill a movie screen completely alone. May he have stranded on a deserted island or an even more hostile international airport. Hanks needs no counterpart to develop his acting skills.

So when I learnt that he will be the only human acting in this movie opposite a dog and a robot I trusted his skills to touch me anyway. (Okay, a enchanting dog does help - compared to an old fussball - still: it only takes a few minutes to get hooked by the plot.

Taking place in a future near enough you might still remember most of the streets and bridges, all deserted now and much of them destroyed. Dealing with facts we are reminded of every Friday by a community of angry agitating young people all over the world - computer wizzard "Finch " tries to survive long enough to find a solution for his dog.

This dog "Goodyear" becomes the symbol of all creatures we should feel responsible for.

Those who will live in that very future. Next generations who right now want us to stop harming this planet earth.

As always we are not as smart as Hanks´"Finch". Not as good and oviously not as responsible.

After all, it is Tom Hanks. The last good man we can all agree on.