Watch | 16. Sep 2021

Summit Meeting

There are days when you need just some cheering up.

To go on with your everyday life. To see some light at the end of the tunnel.

For me watching or listening to people better than I always works. May they be smarter, more friendly, more goal orientated or even better at being a Mensch. To get inspired by them is my personal support system.

Two of my heroes are Great Thunberg and David Attenborough, so listening to one of them or watching reruns of Sir Attenborough´s TV shows always help. Imagine how it feels to combine those two in one programm. As it happened at BBC.

They had met before, digitally. But only in person those two personalities come to their full potential.

Noone touches me more than young Greta. Listening with her frowning forehead, seeking for advice by that old man. As he was the voice of his generation(s) telling us about our bad habits and how it harms our planet. And on the other hand: how he admires her!

A true great mind who never stops learning. Get your small dose by just watching the clip below.

Then subscribe to BBC for the whole conversation.